Our photographers have been out and about this Autumn across LettsSafari parks capturing the mellow tones and colours in between the sheets of pouring rain! We thought that the video above and the photographs below might warm you a little before the Christmas rush.
Deep bronze softens the landscape and lights up the horizon as the bracken and ferns start their gradual descent from green to bronze to black: The cycle of time.
Stacks of giant fungi started appearing a little earlier thanks to the wet summer and the deep Autumn soak. Small mammals, birds and bugs are seen scurrying across the scattered leaves. In the coming weeks we’ll examine the powerful benefits of leaving fallen leaves on the ground to mulch.
Soay forage wide and deep - a tribute to the rich and diverse habitats they operate in.
A clutch of Badger Faces fanning out from the woods at Dawlish Park to play and fight in the autumn light.
The extraordinary hillside lake in Exeter’s Capability Brown gardens lights up with shards of sunlight that shimmer through the dense canopy surrounding it, tumbling naturally over its banks.
A few of the welcome sunny days in between the endless rainy ones lit up the abundant forest floor with an early show of nature’s Christmas lights.
As we head towards the Christmas period and the New Year celebrations all of us at LettsSafari would like to wish you very happy holidays. We hope that this post brings you a sprinkling of Christmas cheer!
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Autumn Light and Life in LettsSafari Parks