
LettsSafari Park Basking in Bold, Bright Environmental Art

Exeter's Capability Brown gardens burst with contemporary environmental open-air art.

With summer taking over and England finally basking in the full summer sun let's look at the expanding environmental art at LettsSafari's Capability Brown gardens - both its meaning and impact. We used video and photography to give you a taste of the visual feast. It’s quite a dizzying display.

A big thank you to Jem McCluskey and Louise Kear for the powerful imagery.

Robert Marshall’s colorful work peeks through the rewilded grasses and lawns where butterflies rise in swarms around them as they move on the wind.

Robert Marshall's windmill Portal rolling down the hill

Visitors to the gardens find the conceptual and environmental open-air art interspersed among the rewilded park and gardens creates a fresh and unique impression. It spurs learning and debate at every corner.

Plastic bottle trees and plastic sculpture from fishing buoys fuse with wind turbine art.

Wildlife and wild art help create a narrative around the importance of the soil (clay), human structures (architecture and household items) and urban society.


Art, wildlife, wildlife, art...

It's amazing how this unique fusion of creativity, nature and wildlife soothes the soul and spurs action. Maybe there is something to this rare concoction.

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